A little while back I mentioned in my blog about French forums, as in forums for people who live in France. One of the forums I belong to has a section that I read more often than I should. It is supposedly for 'informal discussion about things that are non-France related'. For the most part, it seems to be peopled by boring old farts who do nothing but moan and groan about their pensions, single parents, crime in the UK, binge drinking, all the things that affect them on a day to day basis of course.
What is is about France that seems to attract such a sour bunch of folk to these forums? Aren't they all supposed to be living the dream in the sun with a chilled glass of rosé in their hands, no mortgage and oooh so integrated? And not only sour (yes, I'm going to say it.... deep breath) stupid, ill-informed and completely obsessive about what is going on in the UK. Well, not really what's going on, more like what the tabloids say is going on. Most of the people that post seem to be slightly to the right of Atila the Hun with a world view that brings new meaning to the word narrow minded.
I have to be truthful and say that the people I meet on a day to day basis are not at all sour, quite the opposite, but then most of them have proper lives and don't spend hours on the internet telling us all what we should think and how we should live our lives.
I try to keep away from this sub forum but sometimes it is a bit like a scab that you just can't leave alone. Maybe there should be some sort of Forumers Anonymous where we all sit around and say 'I'm (insert your forum ID) and I can't stop reading forums'. That would make its acronym FA, which is, in fact, very appropriate! It's about how much most of them seem to know about just about anything.
I've not had much to say recently but today took issue with someone who made a comment about single mothers on a thread about that girl in the UK who supposedly got pregnant by the 13 year old boy. It was the usual tired old chestnut.... they'll get free housing and loads of benefits all paid for by the poor old pensioners. In actual fact, single parents aren't entitled to any benefits that the rest of us couldn't get but let's not let that get in the way of a good moan. I took issue because I know a number of single mothers, single through choice and all successful in their own fields. Also the CH's ex was a teenage mother and between them they did a fabulous job of raising their child. I object to them being portrayed as benefit scroungers.
Of course anyone in their right mind would have seen through the story and realised that a boy who hadn't even reached puberty was unlikely to have fathered a child but no, righteous indignation and much 'it didn't happen in my time' (because, of course, sexual promiscuity is something that only started in the 1980s isn't it) and the 'UK has gone down the toilet' is far simpler than actually stopping and thinking about it. Needless to say, apparently this child isn't the father. No surprises there then. And of course this ONLY happens in the UK despite a link posted by a French member to an article about young teen pregnancies in France which of course was completely ignored just like any mention of binge drinking, MRSA, gang crime, stabbings and violence.
"Doesn't happen here, don't you know " they all say, as they pour their coffee into their wine glasses and place their knives and forks carefully on the table alongside the half eaten baguette.
Of course my response, pointing out statistics, benefits and experiences of family members was completely rubbished because people just want to believe what they want to believe. Hey ho. I know how a teacher in a sink estate comprehensive must feel like. It's so sad that people can still be so ignorant but secretly, now that we are heading back to the UK, I'm glad that they are all over here. France is welcome to them, bless their little cotton gussets.
Anyway, someone on the forum, one of my usual detractors I should add, dared to say the following....
"of course you never moan? Just read your own Blog. Pot calling kettle black or what"
MOAN...... MOAN..... Is that was my little ramblings are? Moans? I thought it was a humorous look at life in France. How could I have been so wrong? I'm devastated..... I may never blog again! I shall have to throw myself onto my strimmer - it's the noble thing to do.
Quid pro quo
7 years ago