Saturday, November 22, 2008

Come on baby light my fire....

I reckon I'm pretty good at lighting our woodburner now. I had a few dodgy moments in the early days with wood that was too green

"Mais bien sur, Madame, I cut the wood last year and it has been drying in my barn since then"

More like he cut the wood last week then left it out in a field a monsoon-type downpour.

And chucking a bit of paraffin on to get it going was not my cleverest idea.

WHOOOOOOOOSH! An almighty roar and the door flew open.

Flaming (literally) hell, it was like my own private 'Backdraft' !

This morning I was laying the fire ready for the evening. Lots of nice dry paper, some kindling and a few small logs and off we go. Easy peasy, citron, squeezy!

The newspaper was in short supply (since I've given up reading the odious British offerings) so I happened upon an old telephone directory. Perfect! Several hundred pages of nice flammable paper.

I started tearing it out and screwing it up.

"But Mum......" said DD

"Quiet dear, I'm busy".

I carried on tearing and screwing up.

"Ummm, Mum" she tried again

"Just a minute"

More tearing and screwing up.

"Muuuuuummmmm" she shouted finally, "That's this year's telephone directory".

"What? Oh don't be silly. Look, it says 2000 and...............8"


So, if you live in a village or town beginning with A,B,C or D, I won't be phoning you or at least not until after the delivery of the 2009 phone book.


justme said...

Phone books are obsolete these days. You can look numbers up on line!

Fire Byrd said...

Had me hooting..... these things happen all the time, I refuse to have them said I'm having a senior moment, I prefer to be thought of as it being a blonde moment, even though my hair is brown... well grey really , but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!!

Le laquet said...

So you wont be riging me when I'm in Carlucet for Christmas then ... thank you PagesBlanches thank you!

Saz said...

fun, am laughing...great post.

thanks for dropping by, do come again.
Hope you dont mind if I follow you and link to your blog.

The Accidental Author said...

Justme - they are certainly obsolete in our house now! VLiF

Le Laquet - Well I will be now! Thank goodness for PagesBlanches. VLiF

Fire Byrd - Guess what? I'm blonde! VLiF

FFF - thanks for dropping by. I'd be delighted to be on your blogroll and shall put you on mine too. VLiF