Friday, August 8, 2008

And then there were two....

Hooray, another one! Meet Charlie Chicken (at least the name works for boys and girls). He's the one on the right and has a feathery neck so chances are he's with his biological mother. He was only a few hours old when the photo was taken. DD had taken a friend to the chicken house to show off the new baby and she came running back shrieking ' There's another one'. I'm inordinately proud of my new grandchildren!


Blossomcottage said...

Thanks for the visit and it so nice to hear about another Willow, not easy to find these special ponies, I think they tend to find us! Good luck and I love the new grandchildren,we had silkies for a while they go broody at the drop of hat they are such fun when they are all fluffy and running about the placc.

The Accidental Author said...

Hi Blossom, thanks for dropping by. I agree, we'll have to wait for our next special horse to find us. Just wish he'd hurry up! VLiF