Friday, October 3, 2008

Celebrity City (well, village)

It's not easy bashing your way through the celebrity infested streets of our little corner of Southwest France.

On Saturday I saw

in the market

Then I saw

having coffee with my French teacher

Then I sat on the next table to

at a Quiz Night

Virtual prizes for the first person to name all three.


Lane Mathias said...

Windsor Davies
Jasper Carrot
and .....


It almost looks like Richard Stilgoe but not quite.

You sure do get 'em, down there:-)

Georgina said...

I should really say how would I know I'm far too young! However, Windsor Davies, the second looks like Jaspher Carrot and the third is Roger Whittaker. Debs x
P.S. I hope you are feeling a little better.

manu said...

1. saddam hussein
2. bloke from monty python
3. my german physics prof

thank you... thank you.. what do I get? :-D

The Accidental Author said...

Oops, that post kinda got away from me so you all get lots of pats on the back for working out what I was trying to say. VLiF x

Frankofile said...

there's a token of appreciation for you over on my blog.

The Accidental Author said...

Lane - as Meatloaf said 'Two out of Three ain't bad'. Well done. Roger Whittaker actually looks nothing like that now but the other two are still instantly recognisable. VLiF

The Accidental Author said...

Debs, I can only assume that you just saw their photos somewhere as I'm quite sure you wouldn't remember them yourself, being the spring chicken that you are. Well done, your prize is...... me on your doorstep singing 'I've gotta leave old Durham Town' or something of that ilk. Bet you are glad you entered now! VLiF x

The Accidental Author said...

Frankofile - thanks so much. VLiF

Stew said...

It's Roger Whittaker the whistling genius and I REFUSE to believe you sat next to him.

He was very popular in Rhodesia when I was a nipper. Durham Town and some song about a guy going to war on a ship "For you are beautiful, and I have loved you dearly, more dearly than the spoken word can tell"

You live where? I'm coming over to get his autograph!

The Accidental Author said...

Stew, I did, honest. And what's more my team beat his. Na, na, na, na, naaaah! You'll find him in Montaigu de Quercy, the house near the Mairie, recognisable by it's net curtains! VLiF