You are invited to your neighbour's to 'fêter' her husband's 60th birthday and retirement. She is roasting a whole pig and is very excited about it. The spitroast has been booked, the wood for the fire chopped, the anticipation is palpable.
The morning of the fête you go outside to find your dog lying next to a large shoulder of well chewed, uncooked pork
After the initial panic do you
a) get on the phone immediately, fess up and promise to replace said shoulder of pork
b) continue to panic, hide the evidence in a plastic bag and then secret it away at the very bottom of the communal poubelle, not forgetting to place another neighbour's rubbish bag on top so it looks like they are responsible. They don't actually have a dog but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it
c) practise saying 'Mon dieu, how absolutely awful' in your most shocked voice when neighbour tells you the story of the missing pork
d) Trim off the chewed bits, wash off the flies eggs and sneak round to replace it before she notices
e) say nothing
What would you do? I'll tell you what I did tomorrow.......
Quid pro quo
6 years ago
e) put it down to going to hospital (amnesia)
and or stop speaking french see (e)
Definitely (b) plus (c). I have no moral compass whatsoever. Go on, now I have to know what you did.
Oh help.....I don't know! Depend what mood I am in......
I am guessing that you thought about b and c and settled for a!
Can't wait to hear....
Just wipe it clean, it will get hot enough when cooking to kill the bacteria! Oh yes and go veggie for the day. Debs x
Funnily enough I have a shoulder of pork nestling in my freezer awaiting the weekend that we get good enough weather to be able to cook the blasted thing. Thankfully you and the dog do not live near me so I can rest assured that my bit of pork will remain intact and dog saliva free! I'll be back to see what action you took.
We leave you alone for a week and look at what you get up to! I don't believe that your beautiful blond doggy would do such a thing and neither will said neighbour, if I were you I would have put it at another neighbours house(you know which one) and take the feting neighbour round and blame other neighbours cats! Hope you enjoyed the party and will see you soon. xxx
Hi Sarah, welcome back. Hope you had good hols. Just off to Vileneuve but will be in touch shortly with Important Local Information, just to prove I do have my finger, just occasionally, in life 'dans le coin'. xx
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