Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Prize Giving

Better late than never but it's my turn to hand out some awards to bloggers I enjoy or who I think deserve it. Having received 3 of these awards I think I'm supposed to be nominating 21 other blogs but I think I'll struggle as I don't read that many. Anyway, here goes. I'm going to cheat a little and give people the choice of which one they want to take and ask them to nominate up to 7 other bloggers and link in to their blogs.

In no particular order....

1. Debs from the Lehners in France. Hers was the first blog I read and I shall miss her while she makes the transition from a blogger in France to a blogger in the UK. I'm sure the posts will be just as brilliant.

2. Lindsay - Queen of the Supertrikes!

3. Dulwich Divorcee because her blog is great

4. Manu, because he spends his time working out new ways to break things. Fabulous!

5. Jaywalker because she is, without doubt, the most hilarious Eurodrone and vegetable carver in the known blogworld, possibly even the world

6. Blogthatmama because I love her blog and she's trying to sell her house too so sisters must stick together!

7. Marmite Toasty because she's a fellow Marmite lover (and an inspiration)

8. Shakespeare's Housekeeper - a new blog I found through the Black Boxes but whose blog is really entertaining

9. Sandi McBride because......... I don't need a reason

10. Working Mum because she has millions of balls to juggle and most of the time she doesn't drop them!

Chose your award and pass it on all you clever people!


Sandi McBride said...

Oh Sweetie, congrats on your awards, you are so very deserving of them! And do you mind awfully if I am a Knockout Read? I love it! Know why? It's how my Mac described me to his brother when asked who this witch was who captured his heart , (Okay, we'll say he said witch, but I know his brother and I'm very doubtful that was the word)lol! A Knockout he told him lol...I am so sorry for you that Debs is leaving, but I'm sure she's happy to be going home. By the way, I love your "Ladies of a certain age" post. Mama always said that "real ladies know how to dress". Yes, they do.

The Accidental Author said...

Sandi - well you are a knockout read, so take away! VLiF xx

Lindsay said...

Thanks a million - I am a huge cricket fan - so I will gratefully receive the knockout as well! Am away for rest of today so will sort it all out later.

Georgina said...

Thanks VLIF, I would love to take the one on the right as Hadriana very kindly gave me the other. I still have to post it too. We have been busy with visitors and organising the move. We'll be here till the end of Oct, so get in touch. Thanks once more. Debs x

manu said...

thank you VLiF! this makes me strive to hitherto unseen levels of destructiveness ;-D

DD's Diary said...

Dearest VLIF, thanks so much! I shall nab the crickety things as they will add a dash of manly je-ne-sais-(pour)-quoi to my girly ramblings ....merci buckets!

Shakespeare's Housekeeper said...

How Fab!
Thankyou so much, i shan't cry- and i won't go through a huge thankyou list...apart from to YOU!
now all i have to do is find out how to put it on my site...(i'm going to take the pretty one-because i can!)
(SH swans off the stage making loud kissing noises).

The Accidental Author said...

Manu - when you pick up that Nobel Prize for breaking things, just remember me, that's all I ask VLiF

Debs - I WILL be in touch. At the moment I have sick children. Damn und blast! But you will not leave these fair shores until I have visited.

DD - you are most welcome, my dear VLiF

The Accidental Author said...

Lindsay - have you been supertriking again? Burning up the youngsters at the traffic lights and stuff? VLiF

Shakespeare - just right click on the image and save it to your computer. Then on the customize link on your blog you can add a gadget and download the pic. Voila! Any probs let me know. VLiF

softinthehead said...

Hi VLIF just found your blog via Debs over a Lehners in France - going to be reading older posts to catch up but enjoying it so far. As a hint to the type of woman I am - my only three things of the TimesList were real pearl earrings, very sensible wellies and SPANX - OMG! Gods only knows what you are imagining. LOL

The Accidental Author said...

Thanks for dropping by. I hope you enjoying reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. VLiF

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Have you nicked "my knock out read award? Only joking! You deserve it well and truly...glad to see it is doing the rounds! Just trying to catch up with everyone's blogs as I have been truly busy of late. You are moving back over here? Where? I am shocked! Please move back to Surrey...then I can keep in touch with what is going on. Maybe come and visit? We go to Epsom when poss. Bon chance with the move! Hadriana xx

The Accidental Author said...

Hadriana - mea culpa! I wondered where it came from as no-one's given it to me. It was just lurking there in my My Pictures file. Am I guilty of some dreadful plagiarising? Forgive me. Until we have a buyer, about 5 years from now in the current market we are not making any decisions about where we move to though the UK is certainly on the cards. Wherever we are, you'll be welcome to come and visit. VLiF xx

Working Mum said...

Thank you so much. As I already have the one on the left (which I awarded to you!) I'll take the cricket one. I'll pass it on later.

Nice to know you think I'm managing to juggle my balls!

blogthatmama said...

VLiF thanks very much indeed. I'm going to take you literally and go for the I love your blog award. If you move to the UK don't discount North Yorks, there's a lovely cottage for sale here! blogthatmamax

Shakespeare's Housekeeper said...

i've done it- thanks again

You are a star!

blogthatmama said...

VLiF I could have sworn I posted a comment to you yesterday, you must think me a right rude old moo pinching the award without a word of thanks. I've taken the non-cricket one because I like the heart. Once I've sorted out links and blogrolls I'll perform an awards ceremony too. How's the house sale going? blogthatmamax

Waffle said...

Thanks Vleeef. Going to check out the others now...