Monday, June 30, 2008

(A bit too) Up to Close and Personal

Never let it be said that life in Southwest France is dull (although it often is!)

This is what I found in my laundry basket today...

And this is what DS trod on when he went out after dark to shut up the chickens

and this is who is living under the roof of the chicken house...


Georgina said...

You've been here too long, your turning into Bill Oddie. Debs x

The Accidental Author said...

Debs - Omigod, could these hairs be the start of a beard! VLiF

Waffle said...

WTF is the first one. I am feeling intense fear. It looks like a giant flaccid worm. Eeeeeh. The hedgehog is nice though and have you read David Sedaris's latest? He gives all his house spiders names and catches flies for them. So at least you haven't reached that point yet.

Sandi McBride said...

I don't like spiders and snakes, that it what it takes as the song by Jim Stafford went, lol...glad that wasn't my laundry basket, my path to the hen house or my henhouse for that matter, lol...brave girl you!

The Accidental Author said...

Jaywalker - It's a small couleuvre. You should see the bu**er that lived under my roof tiles for 5 months last year! Did I mention I've called the spider Charlotte? VLiF

The Accidental Author said...

Sandi - I'm not at all brave when it comes to snakes. In fact I'm surprised you didn't hear me screaming when DS threw it at me! DD on the other hand loves the little suckers. I have a photo of her aged 4 with a huuuuuuge snake draped round her shoulders. VLiF

blogthatmama said...

VLiF WTF is a small couleuvre? Is there an English translation for it? Your daughter's a brave girl, holding that yucky thing, she must be getting used to country living, blogthatmamax

Anonymous said...


I hate all things creeply crawly and horrible!

Waffle said...

Well if you start trapping flies to place tenderly in her web let us know and we can stage an intervention. His was called April. The couleuvre is horrible. My eldest had a snake party for his fourth birthday (yes I was that demented competitive party mummy), it was, um, intense.

The Accidental Author said...

blogthatmama - it's actually a young western whip snake which are very common in these 'ere parts. DD, bizarrely, loves snakes. DS and I just scream. VLiF

The Accidental Author said...

GTAF - I'm with you there! VLiF

The Accidental Author said...

Jaywalker - me too! VLiF